

PNP Applications:

Immigrate as a Provincial Nominee

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is specifically designed for individuals who possess the necessary skills, education, and work experience to contribute to the economy of a specific Canadian province or territory, and who wish to become permanent residents.

Program Structure:

Each province and territory customizes its own PNP, featuring various "streams" that target specific groups, including:
  • Students
  • Business professionals
  • Skilled workers
  • Semi-skilled workers

Application Options:

The application procedures differ depending on the chosen stream:
  • Express Entry Process:
    • Eligibility Check: Verify that you meet the qualifications for the PNP in your chosen province or territory as well as for one of the three Express Entry-managed programs:
      Federal Skilled Worker Program
      Federal Skilled Trades Program
      or Canadian Experience Class.
    • Nomination: Apply directly to the province or territory for a nomination. If you receive a "notification of interest" in your Express Entry profile, engage with the province or territory to advance your nomination.
    • Update Express Entry Profile: Upon nomination, either update or create your Express Entry profile to reflect this status. This nomination adds 600 points to your profile, significantly boosting your chances of receiving an invitation to apply.
    • Apply for Permanent Residence: Following an invitation, proceed to apply for permanent residence online.
  • Non-Express Entry Process :
    • Eligibility Check: Confirm that you satisfy the PNP eligibility criteria in the province or territory of your choice.
    • Get a Nomination: Reach out to the province or territory to apply for a nomination.
    • Apply for Permanent Residence: Once nominated, apply for permanent residence online.

Application Processing Times:

Regularly check the latest processing times for each application phase to manage your expectations and timing effectively.

Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP)

OINP Streams :
  1. Employer Job Offer (EJO)
    • Foreign Worker stream
    • International Student stream
    • In-Demand Skills stream
    Key Benefits:
    • Helps Ontario businesses hire and retain skilled talent seeking permanent residence.
    • No requirement for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).
    How to Apply:
    • Via the OINP Expression of Interest System.
  2. Human Capital
    Streams (Graduates from Ontario universities):
    • Masters Graduate stream
    • PhD Graduate stream
    Key Benefits:
    • Helps retain international students.
    • No requirement for work experience or a job offer.
    • Can apply from inside or outside Canada.
    How to Apply:
    • Via the OINP Expression of Interest System.
  3. Human Capital (via Express Entry)
    • Human Capital Priorities stream
    • Skilled Trades stream
    • French-Speaking Skilled Worker stream
    Key Benefits:
    • Attracts skilled foreign workers with skills and experience needed by the Ontario economy.
    • Application possible from inside or outside of Canada.
    • Nomination adds 600 points to federal Express Entry profile.
    How to Apply:
    • Through the IRCC’s Express Entry System.

British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP)

The British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) is a key pathway for skilled workers, international graduates, and entry-level or semi-skilled workers who aim to immigrate to British Columbia. Each stream within the BC PNP is tailored to specific types of applicants, based on the needs of the province's economy. Here is an overview of the various streams, their requirements, and how they are structured:

BC PNP Streams Overview

  1. Skilled Worker Stream
    • Job offer in a skilled occupation (NOC TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3).
    • Minimum of two years full-time work experience in a skilled occupation.
    • Job offer must be indeterminate and on official company letterhead.
  2. Skilled Worker Stream - Express Entry option
    Additional Requirements:
    • Must have an Express Entry registration number.
  3. Health Authority Stream
    • Degree, diploma, or certificate from an eligible Canadian post-secondary institution.
    • Job offer in NOC TEER 1, 2, or 3. Management occupations (TEER 0) not eligible.
    • Must submit BC PNP registration within three years of graduation.
  4. International Post-Graduate Stream
    • Master’s or doctoral degree from an eligible BC post-secondary institution.
    • No job offer required.
    • Evidence of intent to live and work in BC.
  5. Entry Level and Semi-Skilled (ELSS) Stream
    • Currently working in BC in eligible occupations in tourism/hospitality, food processing, or any TEER 4 or 5 occupation in the Northeast Development Region.
    • Full-time and indeterminate job offer in eligible occupations.
    • At least 9 months with the same employer.
    • General Eligibility Requirements for All Skills Immigration Applicants:
      • Intent to Reside: Demonstrated intent to live permanently in BC.
      • Legal Status: Must be legally present in Canada; applications from individuals who are out of status, working without authorization, or under a removal order are not considered.
    • Language Proficiency:
      • TEER 2, 3, 4, 5: CLB level 4 required in English or French.
      • TEER 0, 1: Language test results not mandatory at registration but recommended for competitive advantage.
    • Job Offer: Signed job offer letter from an eligible BC employer.
    • Employer Requirements:
      • Operational History: Minimum one year in BC (two years for ELSS stream).
      • Business Credentials: Must be incorporated in BC or extra-provincially registered with a Business Licence.
      • Employee Count: Minimum full-time employees vary by location.
      • Ownership: Applicant or family cannot own more than 10% of the company.
      • Recruitment Efforts: Must show genuine recruitment efforts unless exempted (e.g., current full-time employment with the supporting employer).
In the context of the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP), the employer plays a crucial role in the nomination process for potential immigrants. Employers in British Columbia who are looking to support a candidate's application under the BC PNP must meet several specific criteria to ensure they are eligible and capable of supporting new immigrants. Here’s an overview of the key employer requirements within the BC PNP:

Employer Requirements for BC PNP

  1. Years in Business
    • Minimum Duration: Employers must have been operational in British Columbia for at least one year. For those applying under the Entry Level and Semi-Skilled (ELSS) Stream, this requirement extends to two years.
    • Documentation: Employers may need to provide additional documentation such as business incorporation details or tax returns to verify the duration and legitimacy of their operations.
  2. Business Incorporation and Licensing
    • Incorporation: Employers must be incorporated in BC or registered as extra-provincial companies operating within the province.
    • Business Licence: Having a valid Business Licence is mandatory to prove the legality of the business operations within British Columbia.
  3. Employee Count
    • Metro Vancouver Regional District: Employers located within this district must have at least five full-time indeterminate employees (or full-time equivalents) working in BC.
    • Outside Metro Vancouver: Employers located outside this major urban area must have at least three full-time indeterminate employees (or full-time equivalents) working in BC.
  4. Ownership Restrictions
    • Stake Limitation: The candidate or their family members cannot own more than 10% of the business if they are being nominated by that employer under the BC PNP.
  5. Recruitment Efforts
    • Genuine Efforts: Employers must demonstrate genuine recruitment efforts to hire Canadian citizens or permanent residents before offering a job to an international worker. This typically involves advertising the job in Canada for at least two weeks.
    • Exemption: If the candidate is currently employed by the employer on a valid work permit in the occupation identified in the job offer, the employer might be exempt from proving these recruitment efforts.
    • Documentation: Employers may be required to provide evidence of their recruitment activities to show they have made a bona fide effort to hire locally before turning to international candidates.

Role of the Employer in Supporting BC PNP Applications

Employers who wish to support a BC PNP application must not only meet the above criteria but also actively participate in the nomination process by:
  • Providing a permanent, full-time job offer to the candidate that is in line with industry wage standards.
  • Ensuring that the job offer aligns with the needs and growth of their business and does not adversely affect current labour market conditions.
  • Assisting the candidate, when necessary, during the application process by providing required documents and information to the BC PNP.

Eligible Occupations for BC PNP

  • Occupations in Travel and Accommodation:
    • 64314: Hotel front desk clerks
  • Tour and Recreational Guides and Casino Occupations:
    • 64320: Tour and travel guides
    • 64322: Outdoor sport and recreational guides
    • 64321: Casino workers
  • Occupations in Food and Beverage Service:
    • 64300: Maîtres d'hotel and hosts/hostesses
    • 64301: Bartenders
    • 65200: Food and beverage servers
    • 65201: Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers, and related support occupations
  • Cleaners (employed directly by hotels/resorts):
    • 65310: Light duty cleaners
    • 65311: Specialized cleaners
    • 65312: Janitors, caretakers, and heavy-duty cleaners
    • 65210: Support occupations in accommodation, travel, and facilities set-up services
  • Other Service Occupations (employed directly by hotels/resorts):
    • 65320: Dry cleaning, laundry, and related occupations
    • 65329: Other service support occupations
  • Food Processing:
    • 94140: Process control and machine operators, food and beverage processing
    • 94141: Industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers, and related workers
    • 94142: Fish and seafood plant workers (listed twice)
    • 94143: Testers and graders, food and beverage processing
    • 95106: Labourers in food and beverage processing

Requirements for Skills Immigration Applicants:

  • Employment Offer: Full-time and indeterminate employment offer in one of the mentioned occupations.
  • Employment Duration: At least 9 months of continuous work with the same employer.
  • Wage Requirements: Wages must be in line with BC wage rates and minimum income requirements.
  • Educational Requirements: Minimum of a high-school degree.
  • Employer Compliance: Employer must meet standard provincial requirements.

Registration Factors for all Skilled Streams:
Total Maximum Points: 200

  • Human Capital Factors (max 120 points):
    • Directly related work experience: 40 points
      • Points Distribution:
        5+ years: 20 points
        4-5 years: 16 points
        3-4 years: 12 points
        2-3 years: 8 points
        1-2 years: 4 points
        Less than 1 year: 1 point
        No experience: 0 points
      • Additional Points:
        1 year or more of directly related experience in Canada: 10 points
        Currently working full-time in B.C. for the employer in the occupation identified in the BC PNP registration: 10 points
        Maximum Score Available: 40 points
    • Education: 40 points
      • Points Based on Highest Level of Education:
        Doctoral Degree: 27 points
        Master’s Degree: 22 points
        Post-Graduate Certificate or Diploma: 15 points
        Bachelor’s Degree: 15 points
        Associate Degree: 5 points
        Post-secondary Diploma/Certificate: 5 points
        Secondary School or Less: 0 points
      • Additional Points for Education in B.C. or Canada:
        Post-secondary education completed in B.C.: 8 points
        Post-secondary education completed in Canada (outside of B.C.): 6 points
        Eligible Professional Designation in B.C.: 5 points
        Maximum Score Available: 40 points
    • Language proficiency: 40 points
      • Points Based on CLB Level:
        CLB 9+: 30 points
        CLB 8: 25 points
        CLB 7: 20 points
        CLB 6: 15 points
        CLB 5: 10 points
        CLB 4: 5 points
        Below CLB 4 or No Test: 0 points
      • Additional Points for Bilingualism: 10 points (if proficient in both English and French with CLB 4 or higher in all competencies)
        Maximum Score Available: 40 points
  • Economic Factors (max 80 points):
    • Hourly wage of the job offer in BC: 55 points
      • Points Based on Hourly Wage:
        $16/h or less: 0 points
        $16-$16.99/h: 1 point
        Additional 1 point for every $2 increase, up to a maximum of 55 points for $70/h and above.
    • Area within BC: 25 points
      • Points Distribution by Region:
        Area 1 (Metro Vancouver): 0 points
        Area 2 (e.g., Squamish, Abbotsford, Agassiz, Mission, Chilliwack): 5 points
        Area 3 (Areas outside Area 1 and 2): 15 points
      • Additional Points:
        Regional Experience (minimum 1 year in Area 2 or 3): 10 points
        Regional Alumni (graduated from a public B.C. post-secondary institution outside the MVRD): 10 points
        Maximum Score Available: 25 points

Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AAIP)

1. Alberta Opportunity Stream (This stream is temporarily paused until further notice)

  • Eligibility: Foreign nationals working in Alberta or international graduates from Alberta post-secondary institutions.
  • Application Fee: CAD $500
  • Process: Apply online via the AAIP portal, submit required documents, and pay the fee.
  • Minimum Requirements:
    Valid work permit.
    Employment in an eligible occupation in Alberta matching your experience.
    CLB level 4 or 5, depending on the occupation.
    High school degree.
    12 months of work experience in Alberta within the last 18 months, or 24 months in Canada within the last 30 months.

2. AAIP Tourism and Hospitality Stream

  • The Tourism and Hospitality Stream is for temporary foreign workers who are already working full-time in Alberta in the tourism and hospitality sector and have a full-time job offer from a qualifying Alberta employer in an eligible occupation. Candidates must have a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). Candidates must also meet other minimum eligibility criteria for occupation, language, education, Alberta job offer and work experience.

3. Alberta Express Entry Stream

  • Eligibility: Candidates in the federal Express Entry pool with ties to Alberta.
  • Application Fee: CAD $500
  • Process: Invitation-only; candidates may receive a Notification of Interest (NOI) and must express interest back to be considered.
  • Minimum Requirements:
    Presence in the Express Entry pool.
    Intention to immigrate to Alberta.
    Occupation that supports Alberta’s economic development.
    CRS score minimum of 300.

4. Alberta Accelerated Tech Pathway

  • Eligibility: Tech professionals in the Express Entry pool with Alberta job offers.
  • Application Fee: CAD $500
  • Process: Submit an online form on the AAIP portal if working or with a job offer in a tech role; invitation to apply follows if eligible.
  • Minimum Requirements:
    Profile in Express Entry pool.
    Expressed interest in permanent residency in Alberta.
    Working or an offer in an eligible tech occupation in Alberta.
    CRS score minimum of 300.

5. Rural Renewal Stream

  • Eligibility: Candidates with job offers in rural Alberta communities.
  • Application Fee: CAD $500
  • Process: Obtain community support and then apply through the AAIP portal.
  • Minimum Requirements:
    Full-time job offer or contract in a designated community.
    12 months of relevant work experience in the last 18 months.
    Meet minimum language and education standards.
    Sufficient settlement funds.

6. Farm Stream

  • Eligibility: Individuals planning to start or purchase a farming business in Alberta.
  • Application Fee: CAD $500
  • Process: Submit a business plan, receive approval, then apply with required documents.
  • Minimum Requirements:
    Farm management skills.
    Sufficient financial resources (minimum investment of CAD $500,000).
    Feasible investment plans documented in a business plan.

7. Graduate Entrepreneur Stream

  • Eligibility: Graduates from Alberta post-secondary institutions wanting to start a business.
  • Application Fee: CAD $3,500
  • Process: Submit an Expression of Interest, then a Business Application if invited.
  • Minimum Requirements:
    Two years of full-time education in Alberta.
    Valid Post-Graduate Work Permit.
    CLB level 7.
    At least 34% ownership of a new or existing business.

8. Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream

  • Eligibility: Foreign graduates aiming to launch a start-up in Alberta.
  • Application Fee: CAD $3,500
  • Process: Work with a designated agency for a recommendation, submit EOI, and if successful, apply with detailed business plan and proof of funding.
  • Minimum Requirements:
    Six months of relevant business management or ownership experience.
    Comprehensive business plan.
    Post-secondary degree from a foreign institution within the last ten years.
    CLB level 5.
    Significant investment in the business.

9. Rural Entrepreneur Stream

  • Eligibility: Entrepreneurs intending to establish a business in rural Alberta.
  • Application Fee: CAD $3,500
  • Process: Connect with a participating community, plan an exploratory visit, submit a business proposal, receive community support, and apply via EOI.
  • Minimum Requirements:
    3+ years of business management or senior management experience.
    High school education or equivalent.
    CLB level 4.
    Net worth of at least $300,000.
    Minimum investment of $200,000.
    Community Support Letter from a rural community.

Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) Overview

The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) offers three main streams, each with distinct pathways, for those looking to immigrate to Manitoba and become permanent residents of Canada.

1. Skilled Worker Stream

  • This stream is designed for internationally trained and experienced workers who possess the skills needed in Manitoba’s local labor market.

2. International Education Stream (IES)

  • The IES is tailored for international students who graduate in Manitoba and meet industry needs, providing faster pathways to nomination.

3. Business Investor Stream (BIS)

  • The BIS caters to qualified business investors and entrepreneurs who intend to start or purchase businesses in Manitoba.

In addition, those who are interested in immigrating to Manitoba as non-economic immigrants – for example, spouses and other eligible family members of Canadian citizens and permanent residents – may qualify under the Federal Family Class:
  • Skilled Worker Program
  • Canadian Experience Class
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program
  • Express Entry
  • Family Sponsorship Program

Skilled Worker Stream - Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP)

The Skilled Worker Stream under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) offers two distinct pathways for potential immigrants: the Skilled Worker in Manitoba Pathway (SWM) and the Skilled Worker Overseas Pathway (SWO). These pathways are designed to nominate skilled workers who can contribute effectively to the local economy and are likely to establish themselves permanently in the province.

1. Skilled Worker in Manitoba (SWM) Pathway:

  • Eligibility Criteria:

    • Ongoing Manitoba Employment: Applicants must have a valid work permit and be offered a full-time, long-term job by a Manitoba company after completing at least six months of continuous full-time employment with that company as either a temporary foreign worker or an international student working graduate.
    • Qualifying Employment: The employer must be incorporated or registered under appropriate provincial or federal legislation and must have an established place of business in Manitoba. The employer must prove they can offer sustained employment to the applicant.
    • Ineligible Employment: Periods of self-employment, unauthorized work, or employment during full-time study will not count towards qualifying experience. Individuals working as independent contractors or business owners are also ineligible.
    • Additional Requirements for Temporary Foreign Workers and International Student Graduates: Conditions include having necessary qualifications, job-ready English or French proficiency, and a stronger connection to Manitoba than to any other province.
      International students must have studied at a Manitoban institution and held a post-graduation work permit.

  • Application Guidelines:

    • A detailed Settlement Plan must be provided, showing the intention to live and work permanently in Manitoba.
    • Applicants must demonstrate they meet all qualifications for their offered position, including necessary training and certifications.

2. Skilled Worker Overseas (SWO) Pathway:

The Skilled Worker Overseas (SWO) Pathway is designed for individuals who demonstrate a strong connection to Manitoba through family, friends, previous education, work experience, or strategic recruitment initiatives. This pathway facilitates immigration for those who are outside Canada but have ties that may contribute to their successful settlement in Manitoba.

  • Eligibility Criteria:

    • Connection to Manitoba: Must be demonstrated through support of family members or friends in Manitoba, previous education or work experience in the province, or a direct invitation from MPNP as part of a Strategic Recruitment Initiative.
    • Scoring System: Applicants must score a minimum of 60 points on factors including language proficiency, age, work experience, education, and adaptability. A connection to Manitoba is required irrespective of the points scored.

  • Connection to Manitoba Requirements:

    • Manitoba Support: You need support from family or friends who are established residents in Manitoba. They must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents, have lived in Manitoba continuously for at least one year, and be able to demonstrate close ties to both the applicant and the province. They should also have a history of supporting successful permanent economic establishment in Manitoba.
    • Manitoba Experience: This includes having previously lived in Manitoba as a temporary foreign worker or as an international student. Workers must have worked full-time for at least six consecutive months, and students must have completed a full-time authorized educational program in Manitoba (excluding language programs).
    • Manitoba Invitation: This involves receiving an Invitation to Apply from the MPNP during a Strategic Recruitment Initiative, either in Manitoba or overseas. This could occur through participation in recruitment missions or exploratory visits, which are pre-arranged trips to Manitoba to explore employment and community opportunities.

  • General Requirements:

    • Language Proficiency: You must demonstrate sufficient English or French language skills, appropriate to your job and lifestyle needs in Manitoba.
    • Age: Points are awarded based on your age at the time of application.
    • Work Experience: You must have relevant work experience, typically full-time and continuous employment within the last five years.
    • Education: You should have completed an educational or training program at a recognized institution.
    • Adaptability: Points are awarded for your demonstrated connection to Manitoba and the feasibility of your settling into the province successfully.

  • Exploratory Visits and Recruitment Missions:

    • These are organized to help potential applicants understand the province and evaluate their opportunities. After such visits, candidates may receive an invitation to apply, provided they meet the program’s criteria.
    • Eligibility to participate in these missions generally includes being between 21 to 45 years of age, demonstrating employability and adaptability, and having at least one year of post-secondary education.

  • Points Assessment:

    • The MPNP evaluates applicants based on a points system that assesses language skills, age, work experience, education, and adaptability. A minimum score of 60 points is required, and an established connection to Manitoba is necessary to qualify under this pathway.

  • Who Cannot Apply:

    • Refugee claimants or individuals in federal removal processes
    • Live-in caregivers in Canada
    • Temporary foreign workers residing outside Manitoba
    • Spouses of Canadian citizens or permanent residents
    • Individuals who have been refused by MPNP within the last six months without addressing the reasons for refusal
    • Those with an active immigration application in any other Canadian immigration program (excluding Express Entry profiles).
    These pathways aim to streamline the process for skilled workers to immigrate to Manitoba, ensuring a match between the needs of the local labor market and the skills of applicants.

International Education Stream (IES) - Manitoba

Purpose: Provides international graduates of designated Manitoba post-secondary institutions a faster pathway to nomination.

Eligibility: Open only to students graduating within Manitoba. Graduates from other Canadian provinces should consider the Skilled Worker in Manitoba Pathway.

Pathways Under IES:

  1. Career Employment Pathway
  2. Graduate Internship Pathway
  3. International Student Entrepreneur Pilot (ISEP)

Ineligibility for MPNP:

  • Refugee claimants or individuals in a federal appeal/removal process.
  • Live-in Caregivers in Canada.
  • Temporary foreign workers in provinces other than Manitoba.
  • Spouses of Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
  • Individuals previously refused by the MPNP within the last six months without addressing the refusal reasons.
  • Those with an active immigration application in other provincial or federal programs.
(Note: Express Entry profiles do not count as applications.)

Specific Pathway Requirements:

1. Career Employment Pathway

  • Education: Graduation from a full-time program of at least one year/two semesters at a designated Manitoba post-secondary institution within the past three years.
  • Language Proficiency: Minimum CLB/NCLC 7.
  • Employment: Current full-time job in Manitoba with a minimum one-year contract in an occupation on Manitoba's In-Demand Occupations List, matching the field of study. Must be employed at the time of application assessment.
  • Settlement Funds: Proof of financial independence as per low income cut-off (LICO) requirements for six months, or current full-time, long-term employment in Manitoba.
  • Adaptability: Residency in Manitoba with intent to continue residing post-nomination. Submission of a Career Employment Plan is required.

2. Graduate Internship Pathway

  • Education: Completion of a master's or doctoral degree in Manitoba within the past three years.
  • Language Proficiency: Minimum CLB/NCLC 7.
  • Internship: Completion of a Mitacs Elevate or Accelerate internship in Manitoba.
  • Employment: Not required to have a job offer at the time of application.
  • Settlement Funds: Must meet LICO requirements for six months or be employed full-time, long-term in Manitoba.
  • Adaptability: Must be residing in Manitoba with intent to continue post-nomination. Submission of a Career Employment Plan is required.

3. International Student Entrepreneur Pilot (ISEP)

  • Business Experience: Must operate a business in Manitoba for at least six months prior to nomination as per the Business Performance Agreement (BPA). Minimum 51% ownership required.
  • Language Proficiency: Minimum CLB/NCLC 7.
  • Education: Completion of a two-year post-secondary program in Manitoba.
  • Age: Between 21 to 35 years.
  • Adaptability: Valid open work permit at application, continuous residence in Manitoba since graduation, and intent to continue residing post-nomination.
  • Net Worth/Settlement Funds: No minimum net worth required, but financial resources should meet LICO for twelve months. Verification of personal net worth by an approved third-party supplier.
  • Business Performance Agreement: Must sign a BPA after application approval to implement the business plan.

Business Investor Stream

The Business Investor Stream (BIS) allows Manitoba to recruit and nominate qualified business investors and entrepreneurs from around the world who have the intent and ability to start or purchase businesses in Manitoba.

There are two pathways:

  1. The Entrepreneur Pathway (EP) for applicants seeking to open a business in Manitoba
  2. The Farm Investor Pathway (FIP) for those intending to establish and operate a farm operation in rural Manitoba

1. Eligibility - Entrepreneur Pathway (MPNP) :

The Entrepreneur Pathway under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) is tailored for individuals who wish to establish, join, or purchase a business in Manitoba. Here are the key criteria and requirements for applicants:

  • Minimum Requirements:

    • Business Experience: Minimum of 3 years of full-time work experience in the past 5 years as an active business owner or in a senior management role.
      Preference is given to business owners over senior managers.
      Business owners need to have at least 33 1/3% ownership to qualify for points.
    • Language Proficiency: Minimum language proficiency of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) or Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) level 5
    • Education: Minimum of Canadian high school equivalency.
    • Net Worth: Minimum net worth of $500,000 CAD, which will be verified by a third-party supplier approved by MPNP. A verification report must be submitted within 120 days of receiving your Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA).
    • Business Investment: Minimum investment of $250,000 CAD for businesses within the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region and $150,000 CAD for businesses outside this region.
      Investments must be made in an eligible business as defined by the MPNP and must create or maintain at least one job for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (excluding business owners and close relatives).
      A detailed business plan must be included in the application.

  • Preferred Criteria:

    • Business Research Visit: An in-person exploratory visit to Manitoba conducted no more than one year prior to the submission of your Expression of Interest (EOI) is recommended. This visit helps the applicant conduct extensive research of their future business investment.
    • Adaptability:
      Additional points are awarded if:
      • Your spouse has CLB/NCLC 5 or higher.
      • You or your spouse have CLB/NCLC 5 in the second official language.
      • You or your spouse/common-law partner have a close relative in Manitoba for over a year
      • Your child is enrolled in an accredited Manitoba educational institution on a full-time basis for at least six months prior to EOI submission.
      • You or your accompanying spouse/common-law partner have completed at least one year of full-time study post-17 years of age at a post-secondary institution in Manitoba.
      • You or your accompanying spouse/common-law partner have completed at least six months of continuous full-time employment in Manitoba.
    • Age: No minimum or maximum age limits, however, points are favorably allocated to candidates aged 25 to 49.

  • Who Cannot Apply to the MPNP?

    • Refugee claimants or individuals involved in a federal appeal or removal process.
    • Live-in Caregivers currently residing in Canada.
    • Temporary foreign workers living and working outside Manitoba.
    • Spouses of Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
    • Individuals who have been refused by the MPNP in the past six months and have not addressed the reasons for refusal.
    • Individuals with an active immigration application with any other provincial or federal program (excluding those with an Express Entry profile).
    • Those with an active MPNP application are not eligible to submit additional applications to other streams/pathways of the MPNP.

2. Eligibility - Farm Investor Pathway (FIP) under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) :

The Farm Investor Pathway is designed for individuals who have experience in farm business management and seek to establish and operate a farm operation in rural Manitoba. Here are the specific eligibility criteria for applicants:

  • Minimum Requirements:

    • Farm Business Experience: Minimum of three years of farm ownership and operational experience, supported by verifiable documents.
    • Official Languages Proficiency: Proficiency in either English or French is required, as the interview for the FIP will be conducted in one of Canada's official languages.
    • Farm Business Investment: A minimum investment of $300,000 CAD in eligible tangible assets is required. The investment must be directed towards establishing a farming business in rural Manitoba. Investments meant solely for passive income or speculative purposes are not eligible. A comprehensive farm business plan must be submitted as part of the application.
    • Farm Business Research Visit: Applicants are required to conduct a research visit to Manitoba to better understand the local farming environment and to prepare a viable business plan.
    • Farm Business Activities: The farm business must involve active and ongoing farm management with the investor living on the farm and directly participating in the day-to-day management.
      The business must engage in primary agricultural production and must be economically viable. The use of third-party managers or purely speculative activities does not qualify.
    • Economic Establishment Adaptability: Applicants must demonstrate practical farming skills, technical knowledge, and experience in technologically advanced farming practices that are applicable to Manitoba’s primary farm production industry.
    • Net Worth: A minimum net worth of $500,000 CAD is required.
      The MPNP may request a third-party verification of net worth and financial information.
      If requested, this verification report must be submitted within 120 days of receiving an Invitation to Apply.

  • Who Cannot Apply:

    • Refugee claimants or individuals involved in a federal appeal or removal process.
    • Live-in Caregivers currently residing in Canada.
    • Temporary foreign workers currently working and residing in a province other than Manitoba.
    • Spouses of Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
    • Individuals who have been refused by the MPNP within the last six months and have not addressed the reasons for refusal.
    • Those with an active immigration application with any other provincial or federal program in Canada. An Express Entry profile is not considered an active application.
    • Individuals or their spouses with an active MPNP application cannot submit additional applications to other streams or pathways under the MPNP.

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LB Immigration Team

We are with you along the road...

Contact Information

10185 Yonge Street, unit 8
Richmond Hill,
L4C 1T5

Phone Number:

+1 (647) 704-0029

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